Deakin Ducks Soccer Club

Welcome to the official page of the Deakin Ducks FC.

For all your match results, updates, news and events, like our page today!

Yellow and Black!

We have three men’s teams and one women’s team in the Geelong Region Football Association (GRFA) league. Women play on Saturday, men play on Sunday.
All matches are played in and around the Geelong area.

We train at 6:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the front of the university on Nicol Oval.

---To Join---
If you are interested in football, fitness and fun come down and join us either at one of our training sessions or at DUSA Clubs and Markets Days during Deakin University O’week.

The club has members of all ages and experience both at university and those who are local and want to play football.

Socially we are very active, generally running four major events during the course of the season and often catching up outside of football.

---Club Song---
Tune: Row, row, row (Richmond FC song)

Oh we're the Deakin Ducks
A fighting fury we're the Deakin Ducks
In any weather you will see us with a grin
Risking head and skin
If we're behind
We’ll never mind
We'll fight and fight and win

Oh we’re the Deakin Ducks
We never weaken til the final whistle blows
Like the Deakin of old
We're strong and we're bold
Oh we're the Deakin
Oh we’re the Deakin Ducks.

Amateur sports team